Mothers: Live Your Life.
Established at the Ridgefield Library in 2014 in partnership with her family and friends, the Mothers: Live Your Life fund honors Noreen L. Papa, a Ridgefield mom, library advocate and early supporter of the Run Like A Mother 5K who died of colon cancer in 2013.
Contributions to the Fund support Library programs and collections dedicated to women's health and wellness, specifically to educating mothers to take care of themselves so they can take care of others. Donations to the Fund may be dedicated to Noreen or made in honor or memory of another important woman in your life.
Through the Ridgefield library, her family and friends hope to keep the memory of Noreen and her mission to live a healthy life in front of all the mothers that walk through the library doors. Our goal for the mothers: live your life programs is to carry on the memory of Noreen by providing books and lectures that educate mothers to take care of themselves, live a little, test their bodies through running and fitness and to continue to grow into individuals.
You may make a donation during registration or click the "donate" button below.